Fourth day was another normal day. However a little different to normal. We started with breakfast like always then we had English class straight away. In class we spent the time writing in our diaries and the we did tongue twisters. Surprisingly they did very well. We did a race of who could say "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" And Sergio was the faster with 3.46seconds!! Incredible. 

After class we divided the camp into their teams and then divided the teams into two. Each team had an egg and the same materials to do the egg protection game. They had to build a protection mechanism for their egg and their egg would be dropped off the roof of a building and if the egg didn't break they won 5 points for their team. Some were really well made and others not so much. 

After that we had lunch then we went to Matallana again for basketball, football and dance and then after to the pool. The basketball kids split into 3 teams and verses each other. Our star players are Diego, Carlos and Galder (only 8 years old!!) Maider also gets a special mention for her skills. 

Pool time was relaxed like always as after dinner we had the night games. 

Tomorrow, canoeing!

Carmen x