Noticias y novedades en el blog

Jul 29, 2016 ARACELI CATÓN 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Una noche llena de talentos en GMR summercamps. Después de un día acompañados por los profesores de inglés, se tercia una velada en la que los niños se puedan explayar y mostrar a todos su talento más secreto. En la velada de “The Talent Show” son muchos los que se apuntan para hacernos disfrutar. Chistes, playback, monólogos, cuentos, bailes, magia, destrezas… son actuaciones con las que en esta noche...

Jul 28, 2016 CARMEN GODDEN 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Normal day. We started with the dual of the day (T-Rex Ball) which the Yellow Toilets won. Then we went straight to sports because it's getting too hot to do sport later in the afternoon. We played a few rounds of Knockout then had a 3 team competition. Was good fun.  After we had class in which my class joined Cliona's class for a fun game of speaking.  Lunch was nice and easy and then after lunch we had...

Jul 28, 2016 ARACELI CATÓN 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Ni una ni dos ni tres. Siempre que vamos de excursión al río Montuerto son más de uno los que se deciden a tirarse desde el trampolín. Un sitio seguro y a una altura prudente que hace que pocos niños no quieran probar lo que se siente desde ahí. Los que prefieren una zona más tranquila, se quedan jugando con las piedras en la zona donde apenas mide por encima de la rodilla. Pozas, fuertes, puentes,...

Jul 27, 2016 MORAG CULLENS 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Today was a 'normal' day at camp, by that I mean no excursions. In the morning we did our 'Dual of the Day' then stretches and then the Cha Cha Slide.    In English class we learnt some nature vocab (moss, bark etc) and went on a nature walk/scavenger hunt to look for and collect the things we learnt about.    Later we finished our Olympic Games with Capture the Flag and various Relay races. The...

Jul 27, 2016 MORAG CULLENS 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

This morning we played Mark and I's favourite sport - T Rex Ball. For this game teams have to run and throw and catch the ball, all whilst pretending to be dinosaurs! This means that arms must always be in front of you in the T Rex position. It was great fun!    Later we had english class, where my students revised the names of items of clothing and then played a game which involved throwing a dice and...

Jul 26, 2016 CARMEN GODDEN 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Today we started off the day with finishing off the olympics. We played a game of Capture the Flag and we also did relays.  At the moment Blue and Green are tied with 55 points each. So we'll see who's going to win on Wednesday morning when we do a Olympics Off.  After the olympics we had English class and during class we played a great game of taboo and Pictionary. Good good fun, and great English skills...

Jul 25, 2016 ARACELI CATÓN 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Ya llegó el día que muchos estaban esperando, por fin descender el Río Sella desde Arriondas. Algunos de nuestros profesores nativos estaban expectantes, para ellos era nueva esta actividad y habían oído hablar de lo famoso que era este descenso. Para los niños también fue grato poder navegar por este río en piragua. Monitores y profesores de inglés fueron acompañando a aquellos que les pudiera parecer más...

Jul 24, 2016 MORAG CULLENS 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Sunday Funday!!!   Today was another great day!  In the morning we had our Olympic Games!! The camp was split into the four teams we made last week, the Red Dragons, the Blue Stars, the Yellow Toilets and the Lean Mean Green Machines. First the teams played Volleyball and Football, and then after snack Basketball and Trivia.    After lunch we walked down to the river near the camp, it took about...

Jul 24, 2016 CARMEN GODDEN 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Olympics day! Started off with meeting on the grass and splitting into our 4 different a teams. We went up straight away to the football field and we had Blue vs Green with football and Yellow vs Red with volleyball. We had an A team and a B team. All teams won a game of football and of volleyball. All games were great to watch. So much enthusiasm.  Then we went off to play Basketball and Trivia. Saw some great...

Jul 23, 2016 MORAG CULLENS 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Yesterday we went on an excursion to Asturias to do the 'Descenso del Sella' - often called an Asturian rite of passage, which is a famous kayaking route down the river Sella. A race takes place in August of every year.  The normal route is 15km long, we managed to cover about 8 which was a great effort from everybody.    We were in 2 person kayaks so everyone chose a partner, and the teachers and...

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