Noticias y novedades en el blog

Jun 30, 2016 LAURA LAUCELLA 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Today was a day full of games and arts and crafts! We started off with the dual of the day where two teams competed with a wheel barrel race, it was close but Billy's team took the win. We played loads of games up by the field and had the kids running around and dancing with games like musical chairs and freeze dance. In English class  we prepared for our exciting carnival game on Saturday. My students prepared...

Jun 30, 2016 CASSIE TUERSLEY 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

After breakfast we did the dual of the day, where my and Billy's group went head to head in a wheelbarrow race. Billy's group won, but my group did their best - Sparrrrrtans! Next, we headed up to the football pitch to play a few games - 'hot potato' and 'foxes and hens'. We then went down to have a break and eat some fruit. After we began English class. My class began writing in their diaries. Then we went through...

Jun 30, 2016 CARMEN GODDEN 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Day 4!! So far my favourite day of the camp. Everything was super fun and I laughed a lot with all the kids. After breakfast we went up to the football field and played Bomb, and Foxes and Hens. The girls were great players and little Laura was incredibly fast at running!! Very fun time up there. We went back down for English class where we talked about our favourite parts of the day from yesterday and we all...

Jun 30, 2016 DANA MALCOLM 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Another beautiful sunny day at camp! Today was a relaxing day with lots of preparation for the carnival on Saturday. Our class is doing a ball toss so we spent the class putting the final touches on our game. We've got lots of little artists! Great drawings of girls, boys, cats, rabbits, grandmas and even aliens!  We also learned some vocabular related to tomorrow's busy sports day. We're going to Vegacevera to...

Jun 30, 2016 OWEN EVANS 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Today we took advantage of the great weather by playing games outside in the morning. Then we all had English class. My class used the time to prepare our dart toss game. We drew the background and coloured it in. Then we answered some questions about the trip to Astorga. In the afternoon we had more English class. We reviewed vocabulary about rock climbing, caving and archery. I also had the students complete a text...

Jun 30, 2016 MORAG CULLENS 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Today was another great day at camp! In English class my students wrote about our exciting day in Astorga in their diaries, then played some games to learn some useful verbs and the simple past tense. After English class and snack we went up to the football field to play Musical Statues, Musical Chairs and Freeze Tag followed by some relaxing Yoga and Meditiation. The afternoon's English class was mostly preparation...

Jun 30, 2016 TESS CHARDIET 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Today was a lovely day back at the camp.  Breakfast woke us up properly and we started off with the DUEL OF THE DAY.  This is when two classes go head to head in a battle devised by the English teachers.  On Tuesday it was a race to see which class could carry a Ping Pong ball on a piece of paper held flat between two people back and forth.  Today it was wheelbarrow races, and it was very...

Jun 30, 2016 BILLY CAVANAGH 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Our trip to Astorga was so much fun! It was certainly a long day, but it was definitely worth it! We were able to visit 3 different spots in the city and each one was unique and special.  Our first stop was the chocolate museum. This stop was perhaps our favorite =) We were able to learn about how chocolate is made through a short video. It is actually quite a complaicted process! We also looked at some exhibits...

Jun 30, 2016 BILLY CAVANAGH 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

Today during our game session we played a really fun new game. It's called Foxes and Chickens! Here's how it works: First 4 campers are selected to be foxes and the rest of the group are chickens. The chickens walk around the field until one of the teachers asks the foxes: "What time is it?!" The foxes must reply with an hour time such as five o'clock. In that case all the chickens must try to form groups of five....

Jun 29, 2016 CASSIE TUERSLEY 0 comentarios Campamentos de inglés

After starting the day with breakfast, the happy campers got their money and a fruit snack before getting on the coach for the excursion to Astorga. The coach trip of singing came to an end when we reached the outskirts of Astorga, where we walked 3km along the Camino de Santiago towards the city. There was a sigh of relief every time we reached and seeked refuge in the shade from the heat. As we got near the city,...

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